What We Do

We are counsellors and psychotherapists working in many parts of the UK, trained in different modalities and exploring the contribution Anthroposophy makes to the fields of psychology and therapeutic help. 

Some of our members have completed the Anthroposophic Psychotherapy Training https://emerson.org.uk/course/anthroposophic-psychotherapy/

 To find a counsellor or a psychotherapist please visit Directory : https://www.anthroposophicmedicine.org.uk/members/directory


As our Constitution states, Mercury is a community of colleagues working towards supporting “learning, research and exchange between its members and others counselling / psychotherapy and healthcare practitioners and researchers”.


“Asking the proper question is the central action of transformation... Questions are the keys that make the doors of the psyche swing open.”

— Clarissa Pinkola Estes


Mercury members take part in the International Annual Conference of the Medical Section of the Anthroposophic Society, in Dornach. This year Conference includes a specialist conference for Anthroposophic counsellors and psychotherapists ‘On the Healing Anxiety Disorders’, 13-15th September. The Conference is held by The International Federation of Anthroposophical Psychotherapy Associations (IFAPA). Please visit IFAPA website for more details.